View Our Previous Grants!
Elementary Schools
“RAZ Readers”
This grant gives all of our elementary students in the district access to a multitude of stories that represent a variety of genres and topics that appeal to varying interest levels and can be read at school and/or at home. The RAZ program allows students to listen to and read books at their “just right” level on computers or tablets to improve fluency, decoding, and comprehension. Teachers can track student progress with online assessments and student recordings.
Grant Recipient:
All Nine Elementary Schools, Keith Howell (Director of Pre-K and Elementary Curriculum)
Middle Schools
“Learning Resource Center Kindles and Ball Chairs”
Meeting the diverse needs of students with mild to moderate disabilities is difficult in the regular classroom setting. Having a Learning Resource Center at each middle school helps these students focus their attention on learning by giving them individualized help in a conducive environment. The stability ball chairs and the Kindle Fire Readers together combines needed body movement along with high-interest graphic novel tablets to engage and focus the students on their learning tasks. It is a win-win learning experience for our middle school special needs students.
Grant Recipient:
Parcells Middle School, Jackie Sage-Phillips (SRC and Reading Specialist)
High School
“Video Studio for Advanced Journalism”
Through the use of a mini iPad video studio, advanced journalism students will have the tools to cover events for the school newspaper and journalism assignments using digital media. Video editing on iPads is easily taught and much less cumbersome than using traditional computers, plus it mirrors what professional journalists are doing in the real world. Journalism is all about telling compelling stories and digital storytelling is the medium of the future.